A Community To Belong
基督華人浸信會是高擧聖經、恆切禱告、傳揚福音的教會! 歡迎你加入這個屬靈大家庭!
Chinese Baptist Church is a Bible-sovereign, a praying, and a spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ Christian community. We welcome you to join this spiritual family
主日崇拜 Sunday Worship
廣東話 10:00am to 11:00am
English 11:30am to 12:30pm
日期 Date:8/3/2024 星期六 Saturday
時間 Time : 上午課程時間 Morning session 8:30am - 11:30am
下午課程時間 Afternoon session 12:00pm- 3:00pm
導師 Instructor : Steven Xiao
地點 Location : 基督華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church
參加人數 Capacity:每堂12人,12 participants per class
語言 Language:英文 English(粵語翻譯,Cantonese translation)
備註 Remark:每位參與者完成課程後將獲得一張證書
Each participant will get a certicate after completing the class
Learn how to creatively twist balloons in different forms to bring blessings to others, and use them to spread the gospel. Children under 12 years old need to be accompanied by adults.
日期 Date:8/10/2024 星期六 Saturday
時間 Time:上午 9:30am- 11:30am
地點 Location:基督華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church
導師 Instructor : Candy & Cherry
費用 Fee:免費 Free
參加人數 Capacity:30
語言 Language:粵語 Cantonese (English translation available)
備註 Remark:請自備氣泵 Please bring your own air pump if you have one
Welcome anyone that is interested in learning how to crochet baby blankets, and volunteer to make more throughout this year. Our goal is to donate to hospitals for families in need this year.
日期 Date:8/17/2024 星期六 Saturday
時間 Time : 上午 9:30am - 11:30am
導師 Instructor : 管太 Ruby
地點 Location:基督華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church
費用 Fee:免費 Free
參加人數 Capacity:30
語言 Language:粵語 Cantonese (English translation available)
日期 Date:8/24/2024 星期六 Saturday
時間 Time : 上午 7:00pm - 9:00pm
地點 Location:基督華人浸信會 Chinese Baptist Church
費用 Fee:免費 Free
Chinese Baptist Church has a long, proud history of serving the community of Las Vegas. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. We are open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds, and strive to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper love for God.